In Progress
Lumen Print 24x30 cm
2023 -
Silbergelatineabzug, 148 x 108 cm
Missunderstandings, Mistakes and Melons
Silbergelatineabzug und Fotogramme, verschiedene Größen; Video
Missunderstandings, Mistakes and Melons
Video (phone screen)
Well T is good
It's good it's good it's good
it's F
Good, good, bad
I don't like it
I'm good
By the way
I don't like it
so pleasant
Fotogramm 50 x 40
Plants hate humans
Silbergelatineabzug 60 x 50
In Translation — The Contexts of Nature
Park View Gallery Sea World Culture & Arts center, 1187 Wangh.ii Rd. Nanshan Dist., Shenzhen, China
Co-organized by Shangqi Art and Photographers Association of Nanshan District, Shenzhen, In Translation — The Contexts of Nature takes the form of a parallel project of the 6th Shenzhen International Photography Exhibition. The main theme “in translation” refers to both the various photographic practices as the translation of nature and the project as a derivation of The Use of Landscape, a collaboration started as a workshop with Michael Höpfner and Iosif Király in 2020. Featuring artists from Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Bucharest National University of Arts and multiple regions within China, the exhibition invites the public to encounter the nature in a dialogic context.
Artists: Amy-Casilda Bartoli, Dominik Buda, Chen Dandizi, Chen Xiaoyi, Cheng Xinhao, Chyanga, Flora Franke, He Lin, Hu Jieming, Jiang Pengyi, Elena Kristofor, Li Ji, Li Wei-Chen, Liang Yue, Liu Yujia, Denise Lobonț, Ma Haijiao, Ouyang Heli, Diana Păun, Qin Jin, Nora Severios, Shen Jingfeng, Shu Chutian, Shi Wenbin, Tang Han, Tong Wenmin, Wang Kejing, Wang Yezi, Xuxu, Yang Yang, Yao Qingmei, Zhang Peng
Photo: Shangqi Art
The Use of Landscape
26.03.-15.05.2021 Exhibit Eschenbachgasse 11, 1010 Wien, AT
24.06.-07.08.2021 Galeria Posibila in Bucharest, RO
Pigment Print kaschiert und gerahmt, 72 x 54 cm
Pigment Print kaschiert und gerahmt, 72 x 54 cm
Pigment Print kaschiert und gerahmt, 72 x 54 cm
Pigment Print kaschiert und gerahmt, 72 x 54 cm
Analog C-Print 20x30 cm
Pigment Print 75 x 100 cm
Sugar Beets
Pigment Print 75 x 100 cm
Object 20x30x110 cm (Marble chips, birch trunk, bill, toothpick)
»Rundgang 2020«
Akademie der bildenden Künste, AT
Bauhaus (Detail)
Überblick / Hebefigur
Object 182 x 80 x 82,5 cm
Raw Steel, beech plywood
Intervention, Prospekthof der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien 2019
April 12th, 2019 – Opening day of the exhibition “Self-reflection in the process of art production” of the class for art and photography. Instagram posts with the hashtag #art are downloaded live and transfered to the exhibition space using a photo printer. Every picture someone has posted as #art is selected, but he mass of postings exceeds the printing capacity by far, so not all #art-works make it to the exhibition. Unfiltered, without curation, the #art postings are sailing from the digital network in a real art exhibition. The prints are scattered on the floor, the visitors collect them, look at them, throw them away again or step on them leaving their footprints.
Artist Book 21,7 x 29cm, 24 Pages
1st edition 2017 of 40 copies printed at full moon, 2018
↯.dng I
C-Print 30x40cm
↯.dng II
C-Print 30x40cm
Die Felsen der Calanche (Index)
Artist Book, 12x18cm, 119 Pages 2017
Artist's book consisting of scans of a personal archival estate of photographs taken on various tourist trips between 1988 and 2003. Each photo is labeled on the back with the date and location it was taken. Scanned and sorted in the pointing motion sequence given by the index finger.
Europe – The Secret of Good Living
Pigment Prints, from 30x40cm to 70x100cm 2015–2017
The photographs of this series focus on an urban planning phenomenon in china. Due to the enormous population growth there was a need for new solutions – to decentralize the city center the plan was to create european themed New Towns at the outer districts of megacities like Shanghai, Hangzhou, Suzhou or Huizhou. The euro- pean lifestyle became a marketing tool for the real estate industry to attract investors or upstarting citizens. Some of these projects were more successful than others - while Anting New Town in Shanghai is a ghost town, you need to buy a ticket for the entrance to Hallstatt-See, Huizhou. After my research I travelled in china for 4 weeks seeking those New Towns, trying not to focus on the fake architecture but on the casualness of the cities and the citizens. I did an Artist Book in 2015 containing 53 photographs and became part of an exhibition at Fotoforum Braunau in 2017, where I showed 12 prints of the series.
Auslöser (Press the button, do the rest)
Pigment Prints, each 50x60cm, 2014
I press the release button to expose the film. The building disappears in the dark of the night, each window lights up on its own. Separated from the context, brought to- gether by the image frame. Just like the residents of the building, they have nothing to do with each other. If someone actuates the light switch, he subconsciously changes the overall picture. A small click triggers another overall image, which is just visible the moment it takes place. Only the direct comparison between the images makes the changes visible, which can’t be seen with pure observation. The image can be read as an abstract code, consisting of light and dark, on and off, one and zero. If you change a single small variable of a code, this can go completely unnoticed but have a strong impact on the result. As well, the arrangement of the bright windows on a black background is reminiscent of a contact sheet, in which each resident can expose one frame - the light switch becomes the shutter release.
Dominik Buda
→ @domduda
2018 – 2025 Akademie der bildenden Künste, Wien: Kunst & Zeit – Fotografie (
2016 – 2017 Schule Friedl Kubelka: Klasse für künstlerische Fotografie bei Anja Manfredi
2012 – 2015 Kunstuniversität Linz: Grafikdesign & Fotografie (BA)
Exhibition Participations
2025 »Rundgang 2025«, Akademie der Bildenden Künste Wien, Vienna
2024 »Beloved Nature«, Kunstraum SUPER, Vienna, AT
2023 »OFF Bratislava«, Bratislava, SK
2023 »Literaturfest Kleinwalsertal«, Mittelberg, Vorarlberg, AT
2023 »The Lying Lens«, Foto Wien, EIKON Showroom, MuseumsQuartier, Wien AT
2022 »In Translation — The Contexts of Nature«, Park View Gallery SWCAC, Shenzhen, China
2022 »Rundgang 2022«, Akademie der Bildenden Künste Wien, Vienna
2021 »The Use of Landscape« Galeria Posibila, Bucharest
2021 »The Use of Landscape« Exhibit, Vienna
2020 »Equality becomes form« Parallel Vienna 2020, Wien
2020 »Zwei Passanten«, Schaufenster Sputnic, Vienna
2020 »Rundgang 2020«, Akademie der Bildenden Künste Wien, Vienna
2019 Parallel Vienna, Vienna
2019 »Self-reflection on the process of art production«, FOTO WIEN, Prospekthof, Vienna
2019 »Rundgang 2019«, Akademie der Bildenden Künste Wien, Vienna
2018 »Miro Mondo«, Fotogalerie Vienna
2017 »Wunderwelten II«, Fotoforum Braunau
2017 »16/17 = 47«, Fotogalerie Vienna
2015 »UnGleichheit«, European Forum Alpbach
Publications, catalogues
2023 »The Use of Landscape« Galeria Posibila, Bukarest, RO
2023 »In Translation — The Contexts of Nature«, Shenzhen, CN
Artist Residency
2023 »Literaturfest Kleinwalsertal«, Mittelberg, Vorarlberg, AT
Works in public collections
BMKOES (Bundesministerium für Kunst, Kultur, öffentlichen Dienst und Sport), Austria
In Progress
Lumen Print 24x30 cm
2023 -
Silbergelatineabzug, 148 x 108 cm
Missunderstandings, Mistakes and Melons
Silbergelatineabzug und Fotogramme, verschiedene Größen; Video
Missunderstandings, Mistakes and Melons
Video (phone screen)
Well T is good
It's good it's good it's good
it's F
Good, good, bad
I don't like it
I'm good
By the way
I don't like it
so pleasant
Fotogramm 50 x 40
Plants hate humans
Silbergelatineabzug 60 x 50
In Translation — The Contexts of Nature
Park View Gallery Sea World Culture & Arts center, 1187 Wangh.ii Rd. Nanshan Dist., Shenzhen, China
Co-organized by Shangqi Art and Photographers Association of Nanshan District, Shenzhen, In Translation — The Contexts of Nature takes the form of a parallel project of the 6th Shenzhen International Photography Exhibition. The main theme “in translation” refers to both the various photographic practices as the translation of nature and the project as a derivation of The Use of Landscape, a collaboration started as a workshop with Michael Höpfner and Iosif Király in 2020. Featuring artists from Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Bucharest National University of Arts and multiple regions within China, the exhibition invites the public to encounter the nature in a dialogic context.
Artists: Amy-Casilda Bartoli, Dominik Buda, Chen Dandizi, Chen Xiaoyi, Cheng Xinhao, Chyanga, Flora Franke, He Lin, Hu Jieming, Jiang Pengyi, Elena Kristofor, Li Ji, Li Wei-Chen, Liang Yue, Liu Yujia, Denise Lobonț, Ma Haijiao, Ouyang Heli, Diana Păun, Qin Jin, Nora Severios, Shen Jingfeng, Shu Chutian, Shi Wenbin, Tang Han, Tong Wenmin, Wang Kejing, Wang Yezi, Xuxu, Yang Yang, Yao Qingmei, Zhang Peng
Photo: Shangqi Art
The Use of Landscape
26.03.-15.05.2021 Exhibit Eschenbachgasse 11, 1010 Wien, AT
24.06.-07.08.2021 Galeria Posibila in Bucharest, RO
Pigment Print kaschiert und gerahmt, 72 x 54 cm
Pigment Print kaschiert und gerahmt, 72 x 54 cm
Pigment Print kaschiert und gerahmt, 72 x 54 cm
Pigment Print kaschiert und gerahmt, 72 x 54 cm
Analog C-Print 20x30 cm
Pigment Print 75 x 100 cm
Sugar Beets
Pigment Print 75 x 100 cm
Object 20x30x110 cm (Marble chips, birch trunk, bill, toothpick)
»Rundgang 2020«
Akademie der bildenden Künste, AT
Bauhaus (Detail)
Überblick / Hebefigur
Object 182 x 80 x 82,5 cm
Raw Steel, beech plywood
Intervention, Prospekthof der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien 2019
April 12th, 2019 – Opening day of the exhibition “Self-reflection in the process of art production” of the class for art and photography. Instagram posts with the hashtag #art are downloaded live and transfered to the exhibition space using a photo printer. Every picture someone has posted as #art is selected, but he mass of postings exceeds the printing capacity by far, so not all #art-works make it to the exhibition. Unfiltered, without curation, the #art postings are sailing from the digital network in a real art exhibition. The prints are scattered on the floor, the visitors collect them, look at them, throw them away again or step on them leaving their footprints.
Artist Book 21,7 x 29cm, 24 Pages
1st edition 2017 of 40 copies printed at full moon, 2018
↯.dng I
C-Print 30x40cm
↯.dng II
C-Print 30x40cm
Die Felsen der Calanche (Index)
Artist Book, 12x18cm, 119 Pages 2017
Artist's book consisting of scans of a personal archival estate of photographs taken on various tourist trips between 1988 and 2003. Each photo is labeled on the back with the date and location it was taken. Scanned and sorted in the pointing motion sequence given by the index finger.
Europe – The Secret of Good Living
Pigment Prints, from 30x40cm to 70x100cm 2015–2017
The photographs of this series focus on an urban planning phenomenon in china. Due to the enormous population growth there was a need for new solutions – to decentralize the city center the plan was to create european themed New Towns at the outer districts of megacities like Shanghai, Hangzhou, Suzhou or Huizhou. The euro- pean lifestyle became a marketing tool for the real estate industry to attract investors or upstarting citizens. Some of these projects were more successful than others - while Anting New Town in Shanghai is a ghost town, you need to buy a ticket for the entrance to Hallstatt-See, Huizhou. After my research I travelled in china for 4 weeks seeking those New Towns, trying not to focus on the fake architecture but on the casualness of the cities and the citizens. I did an Artist Book in 2015 containing 53 photographs and became part of an exhibition at Fotoforum Braunau in 2017, where I showed 12 prints of the series.
Auslöser (Press the button, do the rest)
Pigment Prints, each 50x60cm, 2014
I press the release button to expose the film. The building disappears in the dark of the night, each window lights up on its own. Separated from the context, brought to- gether by the image frame. Just like the residents of the building, they have nothing to do with each other. If someone actuates the light switch, he subconsciously changes the overall picture. A small click triggers another overall image, which is just visible the moment it takes place. Only the direct comparison between the images makes the changes visible, which can’t be seen with pure observation. The image can be read as an abstract code, consisting of light and dark, on and off, one and zero. If you change a single small variable of a code, this can go completely unnoticed but have a strong impact on the result. As well, the arrangement of the bright windows on a black background is reminiscent of a contact sheet, in which each resident can expose one frame - the light switch becomes the shutter release.
Dominik Buda
→ @domduda
2018 – Akademie der bildenden Künste, Wien: Kunst & Fotografie bei Prof. Martin Guttmann
2016 – 2017 Schule Friedl Kubelka: Klasse für künstlerische Fotografie bei Anja Manfredi, Wien
2012 – 2015 Kunstuniversität Linz: BA Grafikdesign & Fotografie
Exhibition Participations
2023 »OFF Bratislava«, Bratislava, SK
2023 »Literaturfest Kleinwalsertal«, Mittelberg, Vorarlberg, AT
2023 »The Lying Lens«, Foto Wien, EIKON Showroom, MuseumsQuartier, Wien AT
2022 »In Translation — The Contexts of Nature«, Park View Gallery SWCAC, Shenzhen, China
2022 »Rundgang 2022«, Akademie der Bildenden Künste Wien, Vienna
2021 »The Use of Landscape« Galeria Posibila, Bucharest
2021 »The Use of Landscape« Exhibit, Vienna
2020 »Equality becomes form« Parallel Vienna 2020, Wien
2020 »Zwei Passanten«, Schaufenster Sputnic, Vienna
2020 »Rundgang 2020«, Akademie der Bildenden Künste Wien, Vienna
2019 Parallel Vienna, Vienna
2019 »Self-reflection on the process of art production«, FOTO WIEN, Prospekthof, Vienna
2019 »Rundgang 2019«, Akademie der Bildenden Künste Wien, Vienna
2018 »Miro Mondo«, Fotogalerie Vienna
2017 »Wunderwelten II«, Fotoforum Braunau
2017 »16/17 = 47«, Fotogalerie Vienna
2015 »UnGleichheit«, European Forum Alpbach
Publications, catalogues
2023 »The Use of Landscape« Galeria Posibila, Bukarest, RO
2023 »In Translation — The Contexts of Nature«, Shenzhen, CN
Artist Residency
2023 »Literaturfest Kleinwalsertal«, Mittelberg, Vorarlberg, AT
Works in public collections
BMKOES (Bundesministerium für Kunst, Kultur, öffentlichen Dienst und Sport), Austria
2023 »Literaturfest Kleinwalsertal«, Mittelberg, Vorarlberg, AT
Works in public collections
BMKOES (Bundesministerium für Kunst, Kultur, öffentlichen Dienst und Sport), Austria